Expect things to be done but not rushed, driver onboarding.
We have been swamped, working mostly on simplifying how we bring drivers into our platform and A/B testing our revenue model for the past week. The result of both tasks has been great; however, there are challenges. Before I talk about challenges, I will explain our progress from simplifying how we bring drivers to KapVoom and our reason. Reason and Progress We are a new company unknown, unheard-of, with a bold mission, not so great combination if you ask me. Because to make any claims, one must first create a name for itself, which is very difficult at the beginning because there is no proven success story. It's just a dream and a mission. I've realized If anyone is willing to try our service, it must be fast and easy. We quickly understood that was our case. From the amount of traffic we're getting on our website vs. the amount of download and driver signup our driver app was getting on the app store, we needed no more reasons to make sure our website could help onboard...